Awkwardness always has been my best friend and always will be. It is synonymous with my name and all my friends know this. It's time you do too. A mild case of awkwardness occurred last night crossing the street in Allston when a guy I used to know, trapped by a traffic light, tried to pretend he didn't see me, yet somehow it was blindingly obvious, to the point where I noticed him because he looked away so dramatically. So I stared at him for a little bit too long. I have a staring problem and need to wear dark glasses most of the day to get away with it. Then I accidentally stole concert tickets from some girl (I bought them before she did because of a misunderstanding) and she gave me the death stare all night, even though I apologized. Then I tweeted absurd things about "dancing my feelings out" and my phone sent unfinished nonsensical tweets to twitter, as if anyone actually cared. My friend, Jeff, is capable of convincing me to do anything (like that coffee mixed with beer is good, that getting married in vegas would be hilarious, that annulments are a piece of cake, etc.) told me to befriend this guy reading a book between sets. I was brainwashed by my new friend to believe that the last 10 years will cause the world to come to an abrupt end. Then I danced non stop to Mystery Roar and Delorean. Yes, I probably did dance my feelings out unknowingly. Luckily I had enough drinks, thanks to Jeff for overserving me, to forget that I am a horrible dancer with a penchant for flailing my limbs. And that was just a normally awkward day, nothing really out of the ordinary there.
Yes, this blog is getting personal because I don't really care about a bands' story unless they were born with super powers. Plus, if you care you can just look at their website and read their pr drivel which is all the same if you read enough of them. Which is part of why it is so painful to regurgitate them all the time. I don't know why I ever pretended to care or write about it in the first place. I am still trying to figure out the best way to go about this music blogging business. I love music and all I am qualified to know is how I relate to it and why I like it, I am not good at writing anything else. So that was my introduction to awkward Jessica. There is a lot more where that came from. Now to wrap it up full circle here was the catalyst for all the awkwardness that happened last night and the reason why I was in Allston, running into people that I didn't care to see, learning about the end of the world, flailing my limbs without a care and all of that. Be careful though, this summery haze of a Delorean video might make you want to dance your feelings out.
In case you were here just to hear about the quality of the concert and not my personal problems, Delorean was awesome and great to dance to but Mystery Roar was the better band with far more energy and a better stage presence. If I remember correctly, which is unlikely, this was the song Delorean closed with and the audience loved it. Both bands are way more fun and enjoyable for me in the live format, the energy doesn't translate into mp3 format, and it makes me sad so I don't listen to their songs often. It was worth every one of my $12 AND awkward moments for the ticket and I would recommend going if you get the chance.
Sounds like a weird night. I'd of liked to see Delorean. I would probably agree that live...they'd be much better.