Friday, April 16, 2010

Balkan Beat Box - War Again (free download)

Amazing things happen when you cross two unsuspecting genres, a prime example being Balkan Beat Box. If you have never seen a crazy gypsy troupe or "Romanian music" as it is sometimes called than this may sound more like loud drums, trumpets, and a random accordion crossed with the Black Eyed Peas. But  they really do a great job of taking true to form "Balkan" music (think Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, and Bosnia) that most people in North America are largely unaware of and crossing it with hip-hop, big bass drums, and the occasional electro-dance infusions, and putting their own signature spin on it in a way no other musicians have done before. Even though they borrow from many different styles and use traditional Balkan music as the centerpiece, their music still comes across as fresh and original, which makes it stand out in a big way. It is highly infectious music. Give it a listen and see for yourself.

Click to Play Balkan Beat Box - War Again (right/ctrl and click to dl)

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