If I can manage to look past my obsession with the banjo, the fiddle, or the accordian, I will eventually remember that I am obsessed with the magic of the musical saw. I really want to try and play one someday and with awesome youtube instructional videos like this, why not?
Phillip, who is obviously The Man, says you just have to remember three things: bend, stroke, and tremble. Oh Phillip, I think I can manage to remember that you dirty rascal. Who knew the saw was so laden with sexual innuendoes? While Phillip's rendition of the grandfather song is striking, I prefer the saw to be layered into a song like MP3:Frontier Ruckus's "Nerves of the Nightmind" or Horse Feather's "Heathen's Kiss". But if you are as curious as I am about the musical saw or if you are a die hard fan of the saw and you happen to be in the New York City area, I have just the event for you.
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