Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Winter, Maybe Mix

The past few years I've done anti-holiday cheer mixes for all of those christmas carol haters. I also put together mixes of indie holiday songs that are bearable. This year I'm too sick and overwhelmed with music to go through the absurd amounts of holiday songs that we'll all soon forget.

So instead, there's this: some vaguely winter themed songs. Some are happy, some are less so, and some are there because I like them. There'll be another winter mix to look forward to further down the line. It's up to you to download and enjoy.

Download ZIP // Stream on Spotify (only has 9/20 songs)


  1. hey, the link is broken...

  2. I see someone has all ready let you know about the link. Mediafire has blocked it. I know the feeling. The last 2 mixes I posted both got blocked. They've changed something up so it catching every little thing. With this last one as soon as someone informed me it was blocked, I instantly moved it over to Drop Box and its been fine. This is fuzzpony by the way, Tim! :) Cant wait to hear your mix! Happy New Year!

    1. Tim and/or NewMusic Hottie,

      Were you guys able to REPOST this Mix on here?
      I still get "Permission Denied".

      Please let me know.
      I'm dying to download this mix!

      Thanks again,

  3. will update. Sorry guys. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/43441127/ALMOST%20ALWAYS.zip


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