Tuesday, November 9, 2010

NSFW! El Guincho Video

This new song "Bombay" is kind of amazing. It has these fantastic steel drums and a trippy atmospheric vibe that makes you feel like you are in some sort of mid-tempo dream land. Then there is this crazy video that you absolutely can not watch at work because there are lots of boobies and LOTS of other kinky randomness going on. But that is just a warning and not the main focus of the video or the song. There is plenty of other interesting stuff going on in the video that is incredibly well done (read: tasteful) and endlessly interesting. For instance, I am currently watching it in an airport on repeat with plenty of people walking by and I don't feel that weird about it. But then again I like watching people do the double take of "what are you, young girl, doing watching that video with all those tatas?". This is just one of my many airport games to keep me entertained. There will probably be more on the way. Many thanks to Amber for introducing me to El Guincho!
EL GUINCHO | Bombay from MGdM | Marc Gómez del Moral on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, you caught me. I read "boobies" and raced over to your post. :) Naw, seriously, I dig El Guincho "Bombay" too. Very cool track.


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