Fleet Foxes announced big things today. First of all their new record will be available on May 3rd of this year and they announced tour dates and will be coming to Boston on May 17th. I couldn't be more excited. To add to the excitement they are also giving away a brand spanking new song and the title track of the album, "Helplessness Blues". It's fantastic.
Alexi Murdoch is back and already selling out shows in February and March. His critically acclaimed E.P., Four Songs, came out in 2002 with the song "Orange Sky" which was then featured on various t.v. shows including the O.C. His debut album in 2006 did very well but since then he has laid low, only showing up to work on the 2009 soundtrack for Away We Go with 10 of the 13 songs being his. His new album set to be released on March 8th is one to be on the lookout for. Have a listen to the title track. After the jump are his tour dates.
The Dutchess & The Duke released their sophomore album Sunset/Sunrise in 2009 but I just started listening to it this week and really liked the way their voices harmonize. They remind me a bit of Cotton Jones. Give it a listen. Buy it on Amazon.
Is there anything better than this song on a Friday morning? I think not. I love this beat and can't get it out of my head. It definitely can put a bounce in your step. Los Rakas are originally from Panama but are now based out of California. You can get a bunch of their songs and remixes from their bandcamp page, including some free albums. This song will make the cold melt away. Enjoy it and happy friday!
Give it up for the best beard on the local music scene, belonging to Marc Pinansky. I've seen him as an opening act a couple of times and while he tends to just sit on a stool and strum his guitar, he has the ability to catch the gathering crowd's attention every time. Maybe it's the power of the beard, or the boyish grin he sports when he gets the applause, but it's most likely his easy-going songs that will have you swaying along in no time that do the trick.
All of his music is now on bandcamp and very much worth checking out. Get his song "Big Ol' Bull" for free. He is currently touring around New York and will stop back in Boston for a show with Mason Jennings on February 12th (sorry it's sold out) before he takes off to Vermont for some more shows. Here's one of my favorite songs, but be sure to check out the rest of his offerings, especially his latest EP, January.
Noise Trade, it is a service for artists to put out their music for their fans. In return for an email address and helps promote their music with a tweet or a facebook message prompt. You also have the option of leaving a "tip" for the artist as well. It is a little more forceful than bandcamp but doesn't quite have the large array (mostly singer/songwriters) of artists on it. However, I think this service is one that should be highlighted so I'd like to point you towards some albums that are for "free" this month but I encourage you to leave a tip or find a way to support the artist. Get tunes after the jump.
I seriously need to start a feature based on these types of songs called something like "pantie dancers" eww...or "dancin' in your underoos" or "no pants dance"....good brainstorming sesh, I think that's settled then.You know those songs that you just want to blast at max volume in the morning to put you in a good mood while you shake it in front of the mirror? Songs that fit the No Pants Dance bill can range from super cheesy to just completely amazing blow your mind jams. After a bad day at work I've been known to do a no pants dance with a glass of whiskey in my hand, the roommates love coming home to that one. But whatever floats your boat, just know that a No Pants Dance has the power to turn your day around (as most pantsless activies can). It is very much inspired by this clip of Cameron Diaz's no pants dance in Charlie's Angels.
So getting to the point and song at hand...Corinne Bailey Rae released a precious little E.P., "The Love E.P." this week, and this jam/cover of Prince's "I Wanna Be Your Lover" is totally worthy of a no pants dance. This is not the first time a Corinne Bailey Rae song has inspired a no pants dance either, her breakout hit "Put Your Records On" was a HUGE no pants dance song for months for me. I am also a big fan of her cover of "Is this love?" by Bob Marley, also on the new EP.
After the jump check out some previous No Pants Dance songs from the past.
I was checking up on Yer Bird Records and saw a brand new track from Philly's Hezekiah Jones from his album that will be released March 29th. It is an album that is mostly reworked songs from previous releases, along with a cover of Chris Bathgates' The Last Parade on Anne St. Lots of good albums seem to be scheduled for that week, mark your calendars.
"Mahogany Veneer" is an outstanding track from Twilight Hotel's latest album When the Wolves Go Blind, released just this week. From the quiet softness of the banjo being plucked, the slight waiver in his voice when he sings, nearly whispering at the end, "my old life fell away like mahogany veneer", to the cities it takes you, every inch and aspect of this song is perfect. It sounds like a hymn for marching into the future, quietly urging you to keep going with a heavy dose of nostalgia for the places and events of the past.
This song absolutely crushes me. I haven't felt like this since the first time I heard Sharon Van Etten. Each time the song comes to an end I realize I've been holding my breath. It's truly affecting. Before I blather on any more I suggest you listen to this right away.
J Mascis, the founder of Dinosaur Jr., will be releasing a solo album via Sub Pop records, which is kind of amazing especially since it is mostly acoustic and not one of his many side projects. It's his longingly raspy vocals that have always attracted me to his music, even though most people would jump on his superior guitar and song writing skills, it's that voice that does it for me. The album will be released March 15th. This song is hardly enough to tide me over.
It's easy to get distracted by a powerful horn section but somehow Jordan Valentine's bold voice soars above it and makes a huge impression in this 60's soul/r&b/funk style band. She has been lauded as the next Sharon Jones (by the Boston Phoenix), some big shoes to fill, but I wouldn't be surprised if this band starts making a name for itself, armed with a robust debut album filled with catchy original tracks that could convince anyone they were written decades ago when this type of music was immensely popular. The recent revitalization of soul and motown music by modern bands makes this the perfect time for Jordan Valentine & The Sunday Saints to unleash their music to a wide audience, with everyone--critics, bloggers, and fans alike--paying attention to this genre just as much as any other.
From what I've read, their live shows are where they really shine and have previously blown local critics away. What good timing to come across this band as they will be the opening act for the highly praised Fitz & The Tantrums this Thursday, the 20th, at the newly opened Brighton Music Hall. Buy your tickets here or at the Paradise or Orpheum box office. Come prepared with your dancing shoes, Boston, this is the one time I doubt you will be able to resist moving to the music.
La Sera is Katy Goodman, one part of the trio Vivian Girls, now out and about doing her own thing, and taking the punk aspect down a notch. She is releasing her 7" today "Devil Hearts Grow Gold" which will also be on her LP due out February 15th. I can't quite figure out this album art, but I'm liking the songs and that's all that matters.
This showed up in my inbox today and before I knew it I had listened to the entire short 7 song album and enjoyed it without much thought. You can download the entire thing for free on bandcamp. I enjoyed the last song "What Day It Is" with the simple guitar and drum arrangement. Probably because the lyrics seem perfect for this frigid New England day. "The wind is blowing cold/I'm frozen to the bone/a very long walk home/ to my lonely abode." It's short and simple and ends abruptly (like most of the other songs on this album it seems half written) but sometimes that's all you need from a song. Give it a spin.
Here is the latest FREE offering from Brooklyn's Freelance Whales. They offered up their first single off their new record, "Enzymes", a few months ago and now they are back with another free download of their latest song. I personally like this one much better. Check it.
Daniel Martin Moore is going down a different road from his debut album Stray Age and also different from last year's album with Ben Sollee, Dear Companion. Moore has delivered "a “spiritual” album of time-tested, family gospel favorites remembered from growing up and reinterpreted here, with a few new tunes of his own in the same vein."(via)In The Cool of Day be released on January 18th via Sub Pop Records.
This is the strangest Radiohead cover I've ever heard. At some points it is easily recognizable as a cover and other times it waivers in an expansive soundscape where you have no idea what is going on. Matt Finney of Alabama is responsible for the spoken word part and Heinali is a collaborator from the Ukraine who works on the compositions. It was sent to me described as "ambient/drone/doomgaze/spoken word music" which is pretty much spot on. And I just wanted to use "doomgaze" in a post. If you are a big fan of Radiohead or "Creep" give it a go, it is free to download, otherwise you might want to skip on down to the next post.
Keegan DeWitt offers up three remixed tracks for free. If you want some poppy goodness this is for you. The Tallest Trees' remix is my favorite. It's the type that's bound to be stuck in your head, but I don't think you'll mind. If remixes aren't your thing watch this video of the original version of "Two Hearts". The story is a familiar one of that time just before the relationship comes to an end. I like the perspective, imagery, and the story the video provides. "Two Hearts" - Official Music Video from Keegan DeWitt on Vimeo.
Exciting news of the day is that my favorite band of 2010, The Head & The Heart, signed with Sub Pop Records, one of the great indie labels out there. Hopefully this move will cultivate a larger foot stomping, hand clapping, sing-a-long crazy base of fans, and will help them get the recognition they deserve. In honor of this news they are giving away a "Down in the Valley" and a brand new song, in exchange for an email address. A good deal for everyone. Get on it.
Yelle is back and just as silly and fun as ever. You surely don't need to understand french to enjoy this one, the beat is more than enough to keep you entertained. If you're curious about the lyrics, my french is a bit rusty, but she "wants to taste everything, to know the taste of sin" and at the end I'm pretty sure she makes a balls joke of sorts, comparing them to apples. The most important lyric is "Les animaux dansent dans le Safari Disco Club" Animals dance in the safari disco club. I can't wait for a video of this one, it has so much potential.They offered up this title track for a free download off their forthcoming album, Safari Disco Club, while we wait for the March 29th US release date of this one. Remixes of this track will surely be dropping in discothèques worldwide, be prepared for the onslaught.
I'm not entirely sure of the correctness of these lyrics but here you go:
Peux-tu me voir m'envoler
Je te vois en bas, somnoler
Accroche-toi à moi, c'est fêlé
Ce qu'on voit de là, je te promets
Les animaux dansent dans le Safari Disco Club
Je veux goûter à tout, je veux goûter
Connaître le goût du péché
Croquer dans ta pomme empoisonnée
Je tombe dans les pommes, à l'hélium, ça y est
It feels like forever since we've heard new music from Amos Lee, after all it has been three years. This is officially released on January 25th and I can't wait for that warm blanket of a voice to envelop me. With names like Priscilla Ahn, Lucinda Williams, and Willie Nelson being featured on various songs the excitement is intensified. I've scoured the internet and found a few songs for your streaming and previewing pleasure. "Windows Rolled Down" is my favorite of the three below and sounds like the perfect driving in the summer track.
Lord Huron has huge potential for putting out one hell of a LP in the near future. So far they have seven songs between their two LPs and easily some of the best artwork I've seen in a while, reminiscent of what you'd see on Prog-Rock LPs. Hopefully this continues with whatever they have coming up next. I'm going through a phase where the lyrics really matter to me when listening to a song, and ever since I heard this song I've wanted the lyrics inscribed on a greeting card, the kind you want to put in a frame. While Lord Huron was big this summer, I just want to make sure you don't forget what this new band has to offer.
If you got what you came for why should you stay?
If you know where you're going why delay?
If you won't be returning don't say goodbye.
Turn you back on the ocean and follow the sun through the sky.
I've already forgotten all of your names.
And I cannot remember when you came.
Grab your things and get going. Don't say goodbye.
Turn your back on the ocean. Go see what's out there to find.
It's time to let go. Goodbye and so long. All the best along the way. Couldn't I keep you another day?
Maybe it's the build up in the chorus of James Vincent McMorrow's ravishing voice, or the subtle banjo obscured in the background that makes me stop in my tracks whenever I hear this song. It made me think of the summer captured in this picture, before everything started to unravel, when I spent a lot of time on paddle boats at sunset with nothing but the company of friends and bottles of wine and it simultaneously made me feel a familiar pang of sadness for a time, a feeling, and a person that I will never be able to replace.
"If I had a boat, I would sail to you / hold you in my arms, ask you to be true/ Once I had a dream, it died long before/ now I'm pointing north, hoping for the shore"
His voice is a cross between Sean Carey's of Bon Iver and Jose Gonzalez and it might make you want to cry when you hear him sing these lyrics about a love that can't work. I've listened to a lot of this LP titled Early in the Morning on soundcloud, and his other songs are a bit on the happier side but his affecting voice always shines through. I know I will be buying this when it is released on January 25th, there are some seriously good tracks that will keep you coming back. Keep your eye out for this Dubliner.
Lykke Li's latest single release "I Follow Rivers" is all over soundcloud including some remixes and I love it. I'm buying my tickets to her show in May today, they are selling out fast. Huge shoutout to Sheena Beaston for these tracks.
Then there is Star Slinger who put up a bunch of tracks recently, including one 27 minute long one of the best tracks of 2010 according to the hype machine. Go check it out.
Kurt Vile a philly psych-folk rocker is giving us yet another taste of his highly anticipated (at least by me) upcoming album Smoke Ring For My Halo, due out March 8th. His tour dates will be announced later next week. You can pre-order his album for a discounted price here. Here are the two tracks that will be on his new album.
Akron/Family has a new song "So it Goes" also from their upcoming release. This americana laced experimental rock band always keeps things interesting, you never know what to expect from their songs. They will be extensively touring starting in February. I've heard their shows are fantastic and exciting, I can't wait to go.
Seems like a pretty decent week. I'm excited for the new music to start pouring in. And I'm very happy to not even have to mention Kanye anymore. Happy listening this weekend.
Nothing sounds better than waking up to James Blake on a saturday morning with the snow falling outside. I play it almost every morning but something about being able to lay in bed and take it all in while still under the covers seems perfect. I have been crushing on this song hard since the day I got my hands on it. During his live BBC performance he is actually combining two songs. Put this on and you might find it hard to get out of bed.
His debut LP will be out February 7th through Atlas/A&M. If you like Bon Iver you should check out James Blake, who is similar but he has a few more electronic clicks here and there and creates really spacious soundscapes. His album is already being heralded as the first best album of 2011. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
I was hooked at first listen by this song, especially it's lyrics "I will wreck your life, but a little more slowly/not like heroin but much more like booze." I like the precision of that statement and then I was very much taken with the rest of the song as it ambles down a rocky americana path of destruction. I keep singing "I will wreck your life" over and over, I can't make it stop. Due Diligence accomplished their kickstarter goal and will be pressing vinyl in the near future which is exciting since I currently see no way to purchase their music yet. They're also on a tour and headed south from Philadelphia at the moment, see if they're playing near you.
I also have to say that I found Due Diligence after listening to Shakey Graves and falling head over heels down the rabbit hole into obsession with his music. Shakey Graves is fantastic but after reading Jim's post on it over at Draw Us Lines there just isn't much more I could say about it. Other than you need to listen to it. There is hardly any information available on Shakey Graves other than he worked with Isaac Gillespie of New York on his album, so I went to go check him out which led me to Due Diligence. Check out all the linkage you won't be disappointed.
You are either going to hate or love this track. If you are anything like me, and enjoy a healthy dose of banjo and harmonica, and oh hey is that an accordion carrying the bass line? with your morning coffee, you are going to love this. I can't wait to get my hands on this album when it comes out later in January from this unsigned Austin band. You can stream a few other songs on the official website as well. Now excuse me, I need to go play this another twenty times.